Saturday, July 5, 2008

Dead Bodies, Strike, LUCHO!!!!

questionable title....

so since my last post and since i arrived on Tuesday morning from Lima, again, a lot has happened...

the other night (Wednesday to be exact) we had a church service like we usually do. so we are sitting there and after like 15 minutes it ends. we were like "what the crap?" so we ask Julio what was going on and he says that there is someone that is goes to the church who has kind of fallen off the wagon and we were going to have the rest of the service and there house. so we were like ok that's pretty cool of them. well we walked through the plaza and down to the persons house. there we about 35 people in an area smaller than a 2 car garage. so we, being Americans, were told to sit on the best seats in the area. as we proceed to the front of there area we see a casket. A CASKET!!! our train of thought was "JULIO! YOU LIED! HOW ARE YOU GONNA TELL US WE ARE GOING TO SOMEBODY´S HOUSE AND NOT EVEN MENTION THAT THEY ARE DEAD! THERE IS A DEAD BODY JULIO! YOU COULD HAVE WARNED US!!!" we were freaking out. 1) because we had to sit literally a foot away from it, 2) we had to sing trading my sorrows for the 4804759q873598734th time and 3) did i mention the casket was OPEN!!!! that was a tough night. as soon as the service was over we shook hands, kissed cheeks, and PEACED OUT...

it was a strange night to say the least...

Thursday we planned to go to molino which is the next village over, to visit the pastor. well Anibal our fabulous translator (who encouraged us to use our Spanish more then he actually translates. we love him.) suggested we walk. it was only 3 miles and it is down the mountain so it wasn´t hard. well we decided to take a short cut which cuts the walking time in half. so we proceed down abut a million dirt steps that were literally cut out of the mountain. and let my tell you... walking down a mountain is just as hard sometimes and it is to walk up! once we got to the bottom we had to walk back up the other side which was hard as crap and then we walked back down to the river that runs between the mountains. it was so beautiful! if i wasn´t using a public computer i would upload the photos but i am so i can´t. it was a great day!

so Friday....

Friday we were scheduled to go to the local college and sing and preach the gospel. we were only given 15 minutes and it was REALLY risky because the government here is run mostly by catholic leadership and they REALLY don´t evangelists coming in and telling the truth!!! so we went and it was absolutely amazing. there were about 25 college students there and Sarah and i sang and one of the guys from the church preached. he was preaching about the youth of the country believing the lies of the enemy. what he was saying was really dangerous because the catholics have such a strong hold over Peru. for us to go into a government ruled establishment was bold and exciting. i really felt like God was there and was speaking through David. it was AWESOME!

later that day we went "fishing" in the river near panao with some of the young guys that work at the pananaria (bakery) that we always go to. well we did about 5 minutes of fishing and hiked for about 3 and a half hours. it was the hardest thing i have ever done but i don´t regret it. i had so much fun. one of the guys name was Lucho and he kept disappearing and then reappearing out of the trees! it was hilarious.

after dinner we went to the Internet cafe to check email and stuff like that and we got an email from boots holder the missionary we are working for down here and he said "you guys need to be back in Lima before the strike. be in Lima on the 6th." we where like WHAT!!! THAT'S TOMORROW!!! weren´t scheduled to leave until Tuesday and we had planned a Saturday night church service and 2 days worth of vacation bible school! we were freaking out. well apparently the miners are striking and they are closing off all roads that lead to and from Lima and it is scheduled to start on either Sunday or Tuesday. so we had to peace out early. and that sucks. but we were excited to see everyone again. but it is bad because if the strike is still going on the 10th then we won´t be able to go to the jungle. and that would be AWFUL!!!

pray that the strike ends SOON

pray that the teams get to Lima safely

pray that josh and justin got the email because they are an hour away from any contact to the outside world.

i hope everyone had an awesome 4th!!!

love love. (i now have over 600 pictures. be excited.)


Beverly said...

My goodness what moments you've been having....i will be praying and I can't wait to see your pictures!!!

Kelly said...

wow girl sounds like you are having a lot of great experiences!!! I hiked up the 2nd largest mountain here today...and wow was that hard! And you are right, going down the mountain is almost harder than going up I think! I cant wait to see you my love, i miss you a lot!!!!!!!

Paige said...

Tia!! I am excited!!! :) love ya!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're having a great time along with some crazy experiences! can't wait to hear all about it...enjoy it! love you!